The Place, The Plan, The Problems, The Pay-off.
Aerial photos, old maps and references.
An old arm of the river was artificially blocked
and became silted up. Can it be restored?
Tidying the Old Mill Stream, Oct 2007.
Pictures and text.
First remove rubbish from the ditch
and undergrowth from the blocked section.
Unblocking the Old Mill Stream, Nov 2007.
Pictures and text.
A digger was hired to dig out the blocked section
and reconnect it to the river.
The Tidal trench on the Mill Stream,
how it works, with pictures.
The new trench has a hump which controls water flow
in both directions.
The New Mill Stream Nov 2007,
Theory and early results, with pictures.
Water is stored in the old arm when the river is high,
and released when the river drops. The spoil heap
quickly becomes green again.
When was the Mill Stream ditch filled in?
Old maps narrow the date to about 1870