Problem, CAN-U-HELP?
Please contact the author on

if you can.....
Can you read the last word of an inscription on a photo
of a wedding which took place in Wirksworth in 1872?
It reads
"August 7th 1872
Relatives at the Wedding of H.A.Hubbersty and F.A.Hubbersty
The last word may be the name of the place where the photo was
To me it looks like "-mill" but I can find no placename in Derbyshire
that looks like the writing.
The Wedding took place on August 7th in Wirksworth, so all these
people cannot have moved far from the Church in all that heavy
The main people concerned owned Wirksworth Hall, a few yards
from the Church
but the windows do not match.

Samuel SLACK 1881-1924
Hi John - I tried to send this via Derbysgen but it was rejected because
of the photo attachment. I found this old family photos today that I
didn't even know I had.
This picture is of my grandfather Samuel Slack. Just wondering if anyone
can identify the uniform. I do know that he was a postman so wondering
if this is a postman's uniform. I also found a photo of my grandmother
and her sister, my great aunt Sarah who lived in an old stone cottage up
on the moor.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Anne in Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Census for 1911 for 11 Wash Green, Wirksworth
SLACK Samuel Head Mar M 30 1881 General Labourer DBY Middleton
SLACK Harriet Wife F 26 1885 Married 7 years DBY Aderwasley
SLACK Samuel Herbert Son M 6 1905 School DBY Wirksworth
SLACK Eva Dau F 4 1907 School DBY Wirksworth
SLACK Millicent Dau F 2 1909 DBY Wirksworth
SLACK Hilda Dau F 1 1910 DBY Wirksworth
For earlier Tree and Censuses in this family, see Problem #29
Hello Anne,
Here's a sketch of a tree centered on your Millicent
Anne from Ontario wrote 2 Nov 2011
My Millicent was born Brooks, married Samuel Slack,
then Robert Doxey. When looking thru the paperwork
I found there are several Slacks that married Doxeys,
so more links to investigate!
It is the Samuel SLacks that are difficult to prove!
I found a reference to a inquest of my great-grandmother,
Millicent Doxey and it was held at Moot Hall.
She died by suicide at Hopton Quarry on 21June 1923.
Do you know if it is possible to get a copy of these
Moot Hall records? How would I go about getting a copy?
Samuel 1779 Elizabeth
1792 |
| | | | | |
1780 1782 1783 1786 1789 1792
Grace Ruth Ruth Isaac Samuel Luke
Isaac 1812 Hannah
1816 1816
Samuel 1836 Mary
1859 | 1886
| | | | | | | |
1837 1839 1842 1842 1849 1851 1852 1857
Hannah Ann Mary Joseph Grace Thomas Samuel Eliza
1853 1852
Millicent 1873 Samuel
1923 | 1880
| |
1878 1881
John Samuel
1911 Census for 11, Wash Green, Wirksworth
SLACK, Samuel Head Mar M 30 1881 General Labourer DBY Middleton
SLACK, Harriet Wife Mar F 26 1885 Married 7 years DBY Alderwasley
SLACK, Samuel Herbert Son M 6 1905 School DBY Wirksworth
SLACK, Eva Dau F 4 1907 School DBY Wirksworth
SLACK, Millicent Dau F 2 1909 DBY Wirksworth
SLACK, Hilda Dau F 1 1910 DBY Wirksworth
| |
Hello Paul,
Here's the best tree I've come up with so far.
Samuel Smith born 1821 has a middle name of Spencer in Wirksworth PRs,
its named after his grandmother!
If I can get further back than Richard 1745-1822, I'll add it here.
The 1806 marriage was in Brassington, there may be more children there.
Richard 1745-1822 was business partner to John Smedley of Lea Bridge
1764-1840, founder of Smedleys Mills (still going strong)
1745 1749
Richard 1770 Ellen
1822 | 1810
| | | | | |
1771 1776 1778 1781 1785 1789
John Richard Elizabeth Nanny Ellen Mary
| 1858
1777 1783 1773 1801
Richard 1806 Elizabeth John 1826 Elizabeth
1859 | 1847 | 1856
| |
| |
|------|-----|---|---|--------|-----|------|-------| |--------|----|--|--|--------|--------|
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1807 1809 1812 1812 1814 1818 1821 1823 1826 1828 1830 1835 1836 1838
Eliza Mary George Richard John Henry Samuel William William Ann Mary William William Mary
1812 1862 | 1827 1825 | 1830 1835 1836
| |
| |
Henry 1841 Ann
1860 | 1874
| | | |
1842 1844 1846 1849
Helena Elenor John Henry
Census references:
Richard Smith 1841,
Richard Smith 1851,
John Bamford 1841,
Henry Smith 1851
MI references:
Ellen Fowler's memorial
Tradesmen 1791:
John Bamford, hosier,
Richard Smith, hosier
Richard Smith 1745-1822, hosier, was partner to John Smedley,
who founded Lea Mills,
still going strong.
Other notes from Wirksworth website:
Samuel FROST married Nanny Smith daughter of Richard and Ellen Smith nee
Fowler..Richard was partner to Thomas Smedley father of John Smedley of
Lea Mills.. Richards sister married Thomas Smedley ... Richard and Thomas
leased Lea Mills from Peter Nightingale who worked the mill before Smedleys..
1.Hannah born 1750 married Anthony Alsop of Wensley Head Barmaster Soke &
Wapentake of Wirksworth Lead Merchant / Smelter born at Wensley brother
of John Alsop who married Hannah Smedley sister of John Smedley 1st son
of Thomas Smedley Hosier Wirksworth in partnership with his brother in
law Richard Smith.. Anthony and Hannahs daughter Lydia married her cousin
Luke Alsop Lead Merchant Lea son of John and Hannah Alsop nee Smedley. Via
the Wass / Alsop family marriage the Alsops became major Lead Mine Owners
up to the demise of the Lead trade in Derbyshire. their kinsmen of
Wass owning Mill Close Mine up to the 1930s... Richard Smiths sister Mary
married Thomas Smedley father of John Smedley one time partner with Peter
Nightingale It is his name on the walk way bridge joining the two mills
at Lea.. Smiths are also my kin via my Frost family and by the
families of Bush (married into my Wigley family) and Fowlers.
Samuel Frost was a Grocer, Rope Manufacturer, and was manager of Wirks.
Savings Bank where Andrew Macbeth & Cash solicitors now have their office..
His wife was dau of Richard Smith, Hosier original partner to John Smedley..
Samuel married Nanny Smith daughter of Richard Smith orignally from
Tansley Richard partner for a time to Thomas Smedley of Steeplegrange at
a Hosiery Workshop on North End Wirksworth .. Thomas father of
John Smedley 1st partner for a time with Peter Nightingale whose name
founded John Smedley Lea Mills.. his son John Smedley establishing the firm
Ince page 078c:
16 Elizabeth md Richard SMITH of Wirksworth butcher
Hello Ed and Jeanette Messenger
I received your KNIVETON family tree, all the way from Texas, linking
your family in Derbyshire and USA, many thanks. I have been able to
extend it backwards a little way, using my
Wirksworth parish registers for KNIVETON. However, it looks like
the records cease with John KNIFTON, there's no no marriage or baptism
for him. Around 1710 the surname gradually changed its spelling. The first
V in the family was 1707, the last F was 1781. I've tried to show this with
the letter placed after the date.
A bit more information: My surname book says: KNIVETON, KNIFTON.
Matthew de KNYVETON 1275, Assize Rolls, Staffordshire. From Kniveton
(Derbyshire), pronounced "Nifton"
John 1676?
KNIFTON====v==== ?
1719F |
| | | | | |
1677F 1678F 1682F 1684F 1686F 1690F
George William Henry Elizabeth Sarah Thomas
| 1761V
| 1676
George 1700F Dorothy
1736V | 1756V
| | | | | | |
1701F 1703F 1705F 1707V 1710F 1714V 1719F
Elizabeth Hellena George John Mary Hannah Sarah
| 1703
George 1727V Mary
1782V | 1781F
| | | | | | |
1734F 1736V 1738F 1740F 1742F 1746V 1749V
Hannah Dorothy Joseph Benjamin George Charles Nehemiah
1813V |
| 1746
Charles 1773 Martha
1794V 1793V
Terence WAGG writes:
Your site is really great and you deserve priase for your efforts.
It has, however, placed me in a bit of a dilemna as, in researching my
family surname (WAGG) I find it absent from all but your unabridged master
index, where it appears only once and even then it seems to have been
corrupted to WRAGG.
I confess that even in my lifetime, the most common corruption of my name
has been to WRAGG and, although I would hate to point an accusing finger at
anyone - and especially you having authored this woonderful site, but it is
apparent that either the LDS records are wrong or your own and hence my
dilemna. I would point out that I have confirmed many records shown on the
LDS indicies from transcripts of Parish records etc. and as such I have
always, in the past, been inclined to trust them.
My information is, mainly based on LDS searches, that I have several
ancestors connected with the immediate Wirksworth area dating back to 1620
These are as follows (ALL have the surname WAGG)
1620 (2-11-1620)Roger married Grace Etton at Wirksworth
1663 (3-5-1663) Ann married James Wall at Ashbourne
1705 (18-10-1705) Elizabeth married Edward Adams at Wirksworth
1704 (29-6-1704)Mary was born at Crich
1717 (6-10-1717)Mary married Thomas Smedley at Allestree
1748 James married Anne Hunt at Allestree
1767 Mary married George Holmes at Matlock
1773 Sarah born (to James & Ann) at Allestree
1775 John was born at Kirk Ireton.
1782 Katherine married John Berresford at Duffield
1808 Mary (Whagg) married Joshua Orridge at Duffield
Your own records show a Catherine WAGG -daughter of John, born at
Alderwasley on 25 Jan 1782 but (rightly or wrongly) this has been changed to
Mary Wagg (daughter of Christopher) was born at Crich on 29 Jun 1704 and
later married a Joseph Wright at Barrow upon Trent on 10 Feb 1729. (This
marriage is confirmed in the Barrow Church records, but it cannot be 100%
certain of being the same Mary Wagg)
I do hope you can help shed some light on this and I look forward to hearing
your comments.
Hello Terence,
How interesting! I didn't know there was a surname WAGG, but I checked in
my "Dictionary of English Surnames" and it says WAGG was first mentioned
in 1230 as Walter WAGGE in The Great Roll of the Pipe for the twenty-sixth
year of Henry the Third for Hampshire. It may be a nickname from
Olde English wagian 'to shake, waddle'. A later mention is Henry atte
WAGGE in 1327 in Surrey, which may come from Middle English wagge
meaning 'Dweller by the marsh or bog'.
Of the entries you mention, only two appear in the Wirksworth Parish Registers,
for which I have microfilm. These are shown below, photo taken from my
microfiche reader with a digital camera.On second look, they are
both WAGG, not WRAGG,
but understandably I assumed it was poor spelling as there are 515 entries
in the Wirksworth PRs for WRAGG, and (now) only 2 for WAGG.
I can find no entry (for any date) in the Wirksworth registers for
the marriage of Elizabeth WAGG and Edward ADAMS at Wirksworth, certainly
none for 18 Oct 1705. All the other places you quote are outside my
area of study, and I cannot comment.
I will rectify the two entries for WAGG in my database, and produce a new
surname in my list. Checking all the other entries I have for WRAGG is
a big job, so can you give the date of any other of my entries you suspect.
Roger WAGG et Grace ETTON nupt 2 November 1620

Catherine daughter of John WAGG baptised 30 Dec 1761
Margery Witham wrote:
During the 19th century many of my ancestors must have walked from
Bonsall to Cromford and I would like to know if there is a path
across fields which would link these two villages rather than walking
along Via Gelia?
Hoping someone with local knowledge can help me please.
The 2½ inches to 1 mile Ordnance Survey map might help. The short
green dots show Public footpaths, and long green dashes show Public
Bridleways. The map is dated 1994. Unfortunately I believe 19th century
maps do not show such detail. The black and white map below is from
a local guide for Matlock, dayed about 1920.
John Palmer, Dorset, England. 
Hello Alan,
Can you recognize anything in this view? Whatstandwell is between your patch
and mine, and I thought some of the view might be in yours.
Scan of postcard entitled "The view from Shiningcliff,
Whatstandwell" (undated)
Hello Ros,
Here is a scan of the microfilm of the entry in the Wirksworth
Parish Registers. Its the best my scanner can do, at 1200 dpi, and
considerably brightened. It looks to me as if the scribe has written
the name he is used to using, "Reverend Bennet" (his boss), then tried
to cram a reference to the firstname into what little space is available.
I thought it looked like a J, so would be John, but maybe you are right,
there is only one Curate of Wirksworth, so must be an A for Abraham.
But that raises another problem. Abraham and Jane Fallows were married
5 Apr 1776, and this John was baptised 11 Jun 1776, so Jane must have been
7 months pregnant (at least) when she married. This sort of behavior was
fairly common among the flock at this time, but surely a scion of the Church
would have tried to set a better example to them?
There are 6 other entries in the Registers referring to a John BENNET
of Brookwall, between 1768 and 1777, 3 baptisms and 3 burials, and his wife
seems to have been Mary who died in 1777. But there is no mention of him
being a church official.
So on the balance, I think you are right, and have discovered the missing
son of Abraham Bennet F.R.S. When I hear from you, I will correct the
page in my website.
Scan of microfilm of entry of Baptism in Wirksworth
Parish Register for 11 June 1776.
By the way, a friend of mine (lives nearby) went to an SOM school for
5 years, leaving in 1940. Also her 2 sisters and brother. The school
was called Purbeck House, in Swanage, Dorset, England.
Hello Lorna,
Here is my solution of the SPENCERs you emailed me.
SPENCER is 3x commoner than the next commonest surname in Wirksworth,
so pedigrees have to be guesses. Here's my guess. Exact dates can be
found in my PRs at:
| |
1727 ?
Thomas 1753 Hannah
| | | | |
1754 1757 1761 1764 1767
Thomas John Hannah Martha Isaac
| |
1754 ?
Thomas 1772 Ann
1806 | 1803
| | | | | | | | |
1772 1775 1778 1781 1784 1786 1789 1792 1796
Henry Henry Hannah Benjamin George Ann Elizabeth James Anthony
1772 1794 |
| |
| |
1784 1789
George 1806 Mary
1819 | ?
| | | | | |
1808 1809 1811 1812 1815 1817
Mary Simeon George Elizabeth Dorothy Sarah
1809 |
| |
1811 1810
George 1829 Hannah
| | | | | | | | |
1828 1829 1833 1835 1840 1843 1845 1847 1850
George Francis Samuel Simeon Mary Alice Elizabeth Hannah Henry
HURD of Kniveton
Hello Susan,
Here is an enlargement of Ince 033c, which shows John and
William HURD and the two Marys. Compare this with the transcription on my
website and see what you think. This scan is from microfilm in my library,
the resolution is better when viewed on my microfilm reader.
Tinker Sick
Ann Kerry writes:
I have been looking for the place - Tinker-sick, as one of my husbands
ancestors came from there. Have you any idea where it was situated?
Well, Placenames of Derbyshire said it was the name of a small stream,
flowing into the R.Rother, but I could not find it. Lots of DERBYSGEN
members had theories,-- could it be Tinkersley? -- but no-one was certain.
The another email from Ann:
Hello John,
Thanks for looking for me, but I think I have found it not 2 miles from
where I live. It is at Tapton which is part of Chesterfield & I never knew
it was called Tinker sick.
I have attached a copy of the map for your information, dated 1896-1900.
Thanks once again.
On Ann's old map, there is the stream called Tinker Sick, there's also
a farm with that name, and also a hamlet, now called Tapton. The
Chesterfield Road is now the A619 about 1 mile East of Chesterfield.
Brimington Cemetery is now a large Crematorium.
Noreen writes:
...I don't know whether the Ince info is a misprint or not...
Below is a scan and enlargement of the Ince entry. Compare it with:
the website transcription (scroll down 6 mini-pedigrees).
I hope you will agree that the transcription is correct
Carol from Australia writes:
I am having trouble finding the name of one of my Ancestors on the
1901 Census Matlock Derbyshire
Martha Belfield 56 H Chatham Kent (she is actually the Grandmother)
George Smith 20 Gson Derby
Herbert 17 Gson Starkholmes
Eliza A. 17 Gdaugh Starkholmes
Stanley 8 Gdaugh Matlock
Now I am obviously not sure but Stanley to me is a male name isn't it?
Every record for the 1901 Census shows this grandDAUGHTER as Stanley.
I have seen a copy of the original document and tried to place it in
this email but with no success.
I have tried various spellings in the Ancestory uk website but nothing
comes up.
I would really appreciate anyone's help with the name or even better
to tell me exactly what the name is in the Census.
Thank you.
Kindest Regards,
Carol Dixon (KNOWLES)
Hello Carol,
You're right, it is Stanley, down as a Gdaur. Must be a Census taker's
error. Below is a scan of my microfilm, the best resolution I can get
with my little scanner. Other mentions of the family are on my website at:
1901 Census
1891 Census
1881 Census
Email follows.
John Palmer, Dorset, England
From a postcard possibly date stamped 1910.
Taken in Matlock, Derbyshire, England
Did such a car exist in 1910?
Can anyone identify the type of car?
The origin of the surname WALKLATE, scan taken from
"A Dictionary of English Surnames" by Oxford University Press,
ISBN 019860092-5 Price £9.99
Does anyone who knows Matlock know where this incredible
building and river are? It is supposed to be a print from
"Curiosities of Great Britain, England & Wales Delineated"
by Thomas Dugdale, published by L. Tallis, London, c.1845.
Did the River Derwent ever have such big sailing boats? Were
there ever such big rowing boats?
What kind of Building is this? Its on a tinted postcard posted
in 1905, see:
If I can read the large sign on the front I might be able to look up
the owner in the
1901 Census.
Any ideas?

It IS a Switchback!!! I searched my collection of old postcards,
and found the rest of the switchback ride on another (very faint)
postcard posted in 1904. It must have taken some building, and would
not pass safety regs. these days. Did it have rails or what?
Hello Dawn Scotting.
Here's part of Ince page 029c. GREGORY pedigree. Scan lightened considerably to make dark parts readable.
Microfilm much easier to read on microfilm reader. 09 should be Anth[ony] not Ruth. Transcription error.
Sorry, will correct.
Enlargements added of "Anthony" and "Anth", Ince really did write his "n" like a "u".
18 pd Richard Bately for goeing to the Bishops 0 3 10
visitation 2s 6d his oath 4s his
presentmt 4s and for 4 hedghoggs 8d
This is a terrible thing to happen. What assurance do
we have that it cannot happen with Poole Council,
or anywhere in Dorset?
I belong to the International Tree Foundation (ITF)
and am raising a plantation of 250 oaks from famous stock.
This concerns me greatly.
What kind of writing or alphabet is this?? It appears in
a notebook dated about 1785 written by Rev Abraham Bennet.
It looks like shorthand to me, but I don't know shorthand.
Could it be Arabic? There are only these two passages in
161 pages. Bennet also uses Latin, Greek and English.
Perhaps these passages contain something very secret?
I suspect this is shorthand, using John Byrom's system,
published in 1767 but superceded by Samuel Taylor's
system in 1786. Abraham Bennet would have been 18 in
1767, with time and interest to learn to use "secret
stenography", but too busy and old to learn Taylor's
Click on:
Page 94.
to see the context in the original document.
Scroll sideways to see the whole image.
Click on:
Page 75.
to see the context in the original document.
Scroll sideways to see the whole image.
Compiled, formatted, hyperlinked, encoded,
and copyright © 2003,
John Palmer,
All Rights Reserved.