Updated 05 Apr 2014
Trees in the Willow Wood
Trees in the Willow Wood.
The purpose of this webpage is to record an unusual 1-acre
Willow Wood, owned by the National Trust, before it
disappears. Location, images and size of trees, mostly
Salix alba (white willow) are given.
Access is from Eyemead NT land (difficult) or from Bearmead Nature Reserve
(easy). Some 20% of the big willows were cut down and stacked
near the SE boundary around 2000 by the NT. The wood is part of
the Kingston Lacy estate, where it meets the privately owned
Bear Mead Nature Reserve. The West border is an old Mill Stream.
1 acre in area, on the South bank of the Dorset Stour
near Corfe Mullen, at SY-991-995, containing 30 large white
willow (salix alba) trees.
Taken 02apr2004
Taken 04mar2009
3405 Trees #17,18,19,20,14,13
3406 ...Tree #15...
3407 Trees #16,19,18,17
3408 Trees #07,08,28
3409 Tree #29
3411 and more.
3410 ...Trees #05,06,02,03,04...
0638. Taken 12feb2008. Entrance and Mill Stream. Willow #13 is nearest.
3087. Willow #13, girth=4.80m. Taken 10apr2012.
"Trespassers W" sign.
3413. Willow #13 is two trees grown together. Taken 25apr2013.
3460. Willow #29 is a single tree, girth=3.40m. Taken 04jun2013.
3139. Flooded on 01may2012
3149. Flood cleared on 07may2012
3377. Flooded on 13jan2013
Willow Wood was once two islands in the river |
1847. Wimborne Tithe map.
1888. Ordnance Survey.
1901. OS map 25 inch.
1928. OS map 25 inch.
Location and girth of each Willow |
1.2 acre wood, on banks of Dorset Stour at SY-991-995,
with 29 large White Willow trees
Girth of trees in cms.
01=ash, 02-30 willow, 31-32 field maple
01 165 cms 12 245 cms 23 195 cms
02 215 13 320+320* 24 235
03 190 14 235 25 240*
04 195 15 270L 26 240*
05 230 16 275H 27 160
06 195 17 265 28 235H
07 255 18 225 29 340
08 255 19 230 30 280MH
09 180 20 225 31 180
10 240 21 205 32 145
11 250 22 260
*=2 trees fused | L=severe lean |
H=large hole | MH=mostly hole |
Average Girth= 251 cms.
Compiled, formatted, hyperlinked, encoded,
and copyright © 2013, John Palmer,
All Rights Reserved.