Updated 07 Jun 2013
Sweet Track at Bear Mead
Sweet Track at Bear Mead.
The Sweet Track at Bear Mead was built in July 2009,
the object being to gain access to the centre of the Old Mill Stream
when it was low enough. Named after the famous Track in the
Somerset Levels (See
In summer, the Old Mill Stream is densely overgrown with rushes,
and is usually dry. It was decided to keep a causeway cut through
the rushes, paved with flagstones, equipped with a seat at the
centre of the Stream and a simple gate to prevent cattle straying into
Bear Mead from Eye Mead.
A paved walkway to the centre
of the Old Mill Stream, with
a seat to view the varieties of
waterplants in this damp area.
In winter the water is often above
the seat, in summer the stream is usually dry,
a Winterbourne. This is caused by the river falling,
making the ground water in the floodplain also fall.
1849 Path thru rushes. 27jun2009
1850 20 flagstones + gate. 28jun2009
1851 Gate stops cattle. 03jul2009
1852 Track + closed gate. 03jul2009
1858 Up Sweet Track.
1859 Seat + scale. 10jul2009
1860 Causeway through rushes. 10jul2009
1884 Seat + level=257. 05aug2009
2100 Mill Stream at 320. 30nov2009
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and copyright © 2013, John Palmer,
All Rights Reserved.