Updated 9 Apr 2010
Spotting at Retford 1953
Great days when I was 13 in 1953.
Exams and girls were of no interest.
All that mattered was getting some more "cops" in my spotter's book.
The non-stop from Newcastle to King's Cross sometimes had a rare steamer
hauling (but not this time).
I used to run 1,000 yards from grammar school at Retford at lunch time
to catch it.
"Here it comes --- Streeeak! Oh, its only Walter,I've got him already."
1 o'clock pegger, main line, stand by water line, speed and noise,
then gone...
Spotter's wall, comfy on top, climbable from other side, no platform ticket needed.
My most valuable posession in 1953 aged 13.
Its my Ian Allen All Regions ABC British Railways
Locomotives Eastern Region Spotters
Book, price 10/6.
Ian Allen shed book, dated 1953, all steamers...
Here are LNER A4s and A3s, and where they live.
If they live far away, not often seen, more brag points....
Compiled, formatted, hyperlinked, encoded,
and copyright © 2010,
John Palmer
All Rights Reserved.