Updated 10 Jun 2013
Sleeper and Cairns
Sleeper and Cairns
are built on a heavily grassed and
treed spoil heap surrounding the
Well in the centre of the
Oak Plantation
at Bear Mead. Both are above the level of occasional
floods from the river Stour. The Railway sleeper from Ridge Farm, Dorset
and made of Canadian Oak, 2468x220x124 mms is flanked by
cairns built
with Lewissian Gneiss boulders retrieved from beaches in West Lewis,
and surmounted by a quartz boulder from the Preseli Mountains in Wales.
Attached to three sides of the Sleeper are "plaques" telling the story of
Bear Mead, how it was
found, bought and developed.
Compiled, hand coded and copyright
© 2013, John Palmer,
All Rights Reserved.
Major Oak in Sherwood Forest, 1890

300 acorns from the Major Oak
were collected and grown in 2000,
then transplanted here to Bear Mead
in 2004 by John and Rosie Palmer.
"Si monumentum requiris, circumspice"

John Charles Palmer
of Worksop and Broadstone.
Son of Charles Bernard Palmer
and Ena Doxey of Twickenham.
Brother of Robert 1944.
Husband of Rosemary Doughty 2004.
B.Sc (Physics) from UCL 1961.
Convinced atheist 1954+.
Founder of Poole Squash Club 1966.
Cross-America cyclist 1992.
Author of Wirksworth.org.uk 1998
Planter of oaks from Sherwood 2000.
Founder of Bear Mead Reserve 2002.
Reviver of the Old Mill Stream 2007.
He is interred nearby.
"He worried about 137.035999084
and world overpopulation"

Rosemary Joy Doughty
of Alness, Poole and Broadstone.
Daughter of Leonard Doughty
and Phyllis Le Marquand.
Sister of Eleanor.
Wife of John Palmer.
Nurse and programmer.
Cyclist and trekker.
She is interred nearby.
"She loved birds and green places,
and the wind on the heath..."
All oaks were acorns collected from under Major Oak, Sherwood Forest, 2000 AD
257 oaks on 5 May 2010. Upper case=OAK, w=willow, ash=ash, co=conker, sp=spindle,
bi=birch, asp=aspen, Pm=poplar male, Pf=poplar female, *=deer-chewed, xxx=hedge.
w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w
GATE ----------------|
ash | ash
ash A1 A2 | A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 ash
ash | Pf
ash B1 B2 | B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 ash
NB | ash
C1 C2 | C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 ash
NC | ash
D1 D2 | D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 ash
ND | ash
E1 E2 | E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
NE | Pm
F1 F2 | F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
NF |
G1 G2 | G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 Pf
NG |
H1 H2 | H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
NH | Pm
I1 I2 | I3 I4 I5 I6 I7
NI | Pf
J1 J2 | J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8
NJ | Pm
K1 K2 | K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8
NK | Pf
L1 L2 | L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
NL | Pm
M1 M2 | M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
NM | sp Pm
N1 N2 | N3 bi w. N5 N6 N7 N8 se
NN | sp w POND w sp at
O1 O2 | . WELL bi O5 O6 O7 O8 Pm
NO* |
P1 P2 | SCRAPE P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 Pf
NP | |---------|
Q1* Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
R1 R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 R6 R7 R8
NR | | | Pf
S1 S2 | S3 | S4 | S5 S6 S7 S8
NS | |---------| Pm
T1* T2 | T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
NT |---------| Pf
U1* U2 U3 | U4 U5 U6 U7 U8
NU |
V1* V2 V3 | V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 Pm
NV |
W1 W2 W3 | W4 W5 W6 W7 W8
NW | Pf
X1 X2 X3 | X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
NX | Pm
Y1 Y2 Y3 | Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8
NY | Pf
Z1* Z2 Z3 | Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8
NZ | Pm
Za1* Za2 Za3 | Za4 Za5 Za6 Za7 Za8
NZa | x
Zb1* Zb2 Zb3 | Zb4 Zb5 Zb6 Zb7 Zb8 x
x NZb | x
x ash* Zc1 Zc2 Zc3 | Zc4 Zc5 Zc6 Zc7 Zc8 x
x | x
x ash ash* WA co co | co co asp WF x
This notice is on the spoil heap of the nearby well, with the sleeper clear of winter floods.
In July 2003 we hired Bob Golby and Simon Sparrow to clear our ditches, build a bridge, dig the well and erect a deer fence for the Nursery. Bob was so clever with his digger, digging us a well without digging himself a grave, that we named it
It has never run dry since, varying from 47 cms to 240 cms deep.
It was used to water the 300 young oaks in the Nursery, and is now used to keep the Scrape topped-up.
The water table levels have been recorded daily since 2003, see graphs on:
Originally, water was drawn from the well using a rope, pulley and bucket system to fill the bath, which was then syphoned into the Scrape.
Now a petrol-driven centrifugal pump is used.
The Gneiss cairns.
The two cairns nearby are built with
beach boulders of gneiss brought from
the Outer Hebrides over several visits.
On the Western
coast of Lewis are rocky beaches
exposed to great Atlantic storms, which
tear rock from the cliff face and roll
and smooth the stone into rounded
boulders covering many beaches around
Mangurstadh, Islibhig, Breanais and
The stone is Lewissian Gneiss,
formed from pre-existing igneous or
sedimentary layers by repeated melting at
great depth. It is some of the oldest on
the surface of the Earth, around
3,000 million years.
Gneiss forms the roots of many mountain ranges
like the Himalayas. Such a range once formed above the
Outer Hebrides, but is now completely eroded away.
Many hours were devoted to
walking over the Lewissian boulder beaches, selecting
and re-selecting the most attractive stones, carrying
them in rucksacks up to a mile over rough
country to the car. The two heaviest boulders
had to be dragged in fishing net with rope
found on the beaches, along routes
offering the least climb and smoothest
heather, then driven back to our cottage
in Eadar Dha Fhadhail. The help of our
companions Dave Hawkins and Derek Voller
was sometimes needed,
on the promise of beer on completion.
At the cottage another selection was made, then
the very best were driven 800 miles back to Dorset
at the end of our holidays.
These two cairns were erected around 2008 in
readiness for their constructors,
John and Rosie Palmer
Dorothy and Guenter Thierstein in 2010 requested to use one of the oak saplings in this plantation (G7) in memory of a member of their family. They also made a substantial and most kind
donation towards the plantation upkeep.
With this donation, a new oak railway sleeper was purchased
from Ridge Farm near Wareham.
It was treated and concreted in place in the centre
of the Major Oak plantation.
Standing on a spoil bank next to the well, it should be
unaffected by winter flooding.
The sleeper is surmounted by a quartz boulder from
the banks of the Nyfer river by the Preseli Mountains in
South Wales.
Notices are affixed to the sleeper describing the circumstances of the collection and planting of the
oaks and purchase of the land, and information about the plantation founders: John and Rosie Palmer.
Derived from Parish registers, Bishop's transcripts and Census records held at Northampton Record Office, from entries in the
Family Bible and from living memories. Cottingham and Glapthorn are small farming villages in the Forest of Rockingham, Northants,
about 10 miles apart. Worksop is in Notts and Broadstone in Dorset. Dates before 1837 are usually baptisms. Info before 1680 too poor
to be included. (Cott)=Cottingham, (Glap)=Glapthorn, (Work)=Worksop. This Tree compiled 22 Nov 1994 with later additions by:
Over the years, Palmer family movements have been:
John was a labourer, living all his life in Cottingham. ? 1680
He lived over 86 years, sired at least 13 children, |
married twice and outlived both his wives. |
9nov1688 1672-80?
Jane married at 18, had 10 children in 20 years, Jane (Cott) JOHN (Cott) Alice
died at 43, spent all her life at Cottingham. BISHOP===29oct1707===PALMER===24jan1733===WEST 1710
d.20feb1731 | d.5jun1766 | d.4oct1746
(Cott) | (Cott) | (Cott)
|--------|---------|----------|-------|---------|--------|---------|---------|---O----| |-----O---|---------|
Sarah Jane John Thomas Mary Elizabeth John Anne Robert | Robert William Daniel
2jly1708 10dec1710 19apr1713 6may1714 7oct1716 8mar1718 20may1722 22aug1725 7apr1728 | 27oct1734 25oct1736 8sep1739
(Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott) (Cott)
180ct1730 Nothing is known of the man
Susannah was the youngest of 10 children. Her mother died when SUSANNAH ? who could have changed the
she was 4 months old. She had a step mother from the age of 2 PALMER===Base===SWAN family name to Swan!
and 3 step-brothers, died at 58. Was she starved of affection? d.23apr1788 | 1760
(Cott) | Jane (spelt Jain in the register)
|----------|----------O spent all her life in Glapthorn.
John was born illegitimate at Cottingham as John SWAN, he moved to Elizabeth | Her parents were James and Jain.
Glapthorn and married as John PALMER, and was buried as 22jly1761 | She married at 19 and died at 85.
John Swan PALMER aged 91 years at Glapthorn. He was a carpenter (Cott) (Cott)
and a pauper at the end. 29aug1764 (Glap)
JOHN 8feb1767
John and Jane were SWAN (Glap) Jane
married for 66 years PALMER=====22nov1786===CANNAM 1790
d.13mar1854 | d.11feb1852
(Glap) |
William Elizabeth William Thomas Mary | William
10aug1787 12apr1789 3oct1789 23dec1792 29dec1796 | 4apr1802
(Glap) (Glap) (Glap) (Glap) (Glap) (Glap) (Glap)
5may1799 29mar1801
Daniel spent all his life at Glapthorn, and married a gypsy girl. DANIEL (Glap) Rainey/Runey/Moraney/Irene/Meriem
He worked as an Agricultural labourer, woodman, sawyer, carpenter, PALMER===3dec1823===SMITH
and traymaker, died in Oundle Workhouse aged 77. d.14nov1876 | d.30jly1860 1820
(Glap) | (Glap)
John Henry Louisa Mary Jane | Isabella Rainey had a gypsy father Cainey,
27mar1825 18nov1827 25dec1830 7sep1834 19jly1840 | 22aug1849 mother Trenit, sister Avenay and
(Glap) (Glap) (Glap) (Glap) (Glap) | (Glap) niece Vashti. She died at 59.
| | |
NOTE 1 ---------------------------------------| (Glap) |----------------------------------------------- NOTE 2
27jun1841 (Glap)
Charles was a sawyer and rough carpenter. He left CHARLES 17nov1840
Glapthorn before 1881, appears in Oundle in 1891, HENRY (Glap) Elizabeth Elizabeth, 8th of 11 children,
died in Oundle Workhouse aged 72 but was buried in PALMER===5nov1867===WARD was born, lived and died
Glapthorn with his wife and daughter Charlotte. d.31jly1913 | d.17oct1896 in Glapthorn aged 56.
(Oundle) | (Glap) 1870
William Henry was born in Glapthorn, | Charlotte Martha Mary Fanny
moved to Worksop, worked as a coal | Clara 1871 Ann 1874
miner, became a publican then died | 2jan1870 1873
aged 54 after a car crash. | (Glap)
(Glap) d.12sep1901
30may1868 (Glap)
WILLIAM 4sep1875 Mary was born in John St, Worksop, 2nd of 12
Win married a local businessman but had no children. HENRY (Work) Mary children, servant at Holme Carr Farm
She fostered John while Bern was ill. She died of PALMER===27apr1898===HIBBARD for Jepsons where she met her husband,
cruel illnesses at 70. She was a lovely person. d.7jly1922 | d.7dec1923 and died at 48 of pneumonia. 1900
(Work) | (Work)
Wilfred was Born at Holme Carr Farm, George Rose | Gertrude Gert lived in Margate, played golf for Kent
Worksop, served in Indian Army, was Wilfred Winifred | Annie was a good tennis player, never married,
a vicar, Sq/Ldr in the Air Force, 4apr1899 7dec1902 | 24sep1908 and now lives in Poole aged 86.
killed in a grenade accident at 45. (Work) (Work) | (Work) (from DOXEY Tree)
| |-------------------------------------------------------
(Work) |
16sep1905 (Sheffield) Ena was born in Sheffield, descended from
Bern was born in Shireoaks, moved to London and CHARLES 8sep1907 6 generations of lead miners from
worked as a cable operator, died aged 51 after BERNARD (Sheffield) Ena Middleton-by-Wirksworth in Derbyshire,
12 years illness from rheumatic fever caught PALMER===20apr1931===DOXEY worked as a needlewoman and store
in Vienna during the War. d.17jan1957 | d.29jan1994 manageress, and died at 86. She loved
(London) | (Poole) and was loved by her sons. 1930
John RESEARCHED this FAMILY TREE, John | Robert was trained as an anaesthetist, worked in
lived happily in Dorset, Charles | Canada and USA for 10 years, made his fortune
worked as engineer and physicist 6may1940 | there and returned to Wales and Portsmouth.
and travelled widely. (London) |
(Sheffield) (Khartoum) Val is second of 3 daughters
29jly1944 31mar1950 of Baptist missionaries in
ROBERT Valerie Ethiopia, born in Khartoum
JULIAN (Broadstone) Jean and trained as a nurse
PALMER===14dec1974===NUNN at Bristol. 1970
Sue studied medicine at Susannah Carla Katherine
Bristol University against Caroline Rosalynn Olivia
her father's advice. Now a 16jly1975 25jan1977 18mar1983
doctor in New Zealand (Soton) (Montreal) (Worcester MA)
| | |
David Susannah | Katherine (Rowlands Castle) James
LEWIS=====base===PALMER | PALMER========7jul2007========BULLOCK 2007
| Carla(Rowlands Castle)Wesley
| PALMER===30jun2007====McCOY
Note 1: Married John Berridge, son Eli, descendent Harold Edwards lives at 49, Gordon Rd, Oundle, Peterborough PE8 4LD.
Note 2: Married William Tebutt Dec 1868, Oundle. Ref: Descendent Pat Pitts (patpitts27#hotmail.com).
In 2000, as a Millennium Project,
about 500 acorns were collected from under the
Major Oak in Sherwood Forest, brought down
to Dorset, and planted in 3 inch pots in our
back garden. Those that grew were potted up
into 5 inch pots, and later into 10 litre
pots. Eventually we had 300 large pots and
were rapidly running out of garden space.
Fortunately, in 2002 we were able to buy a 7 acre
field in Bear Mead, and decided to use it as a
plantation for our oak saplings. In 2003, after
a large exercise in hedge pruning and deepening
ditches, we built a Nursery with a deer fence and
placed our 300 ten litre pots inside. Keeping the pots
watered in Summer 2003 was a very big job.
In 2003, at great expense, we had a 2 metre high deer
fence built round 6 acres of the field. Then, in 2004, with much
help from volunteers, we took the young oaks out of their
big pots, and planted them inside the deer fence, using a
separation of 10 metres between each tree, based on the
mature oaks at Pamphill. We then
placed mulch mats round each tree. This was a mistake, as
field voles nested under the mats and the parent voles ate
many of our young oaks. So we had to remove all the mats,
install kestrel and owl boxes nearby, and use herbicide to
produce bare patches around each tree. This worked.
The young oaks grew steadily, some tall, some short,
but all developing impressive girths like lighthouses.
We lost a few each year, usually from field voles burrowing
down and attacking the roots. Some losses were unexplained.
Around 2007 we had about 260 oaks, growing slowly but well,
and we started to collect statistics on budburst, girth and
height, and the connection between leafing and average
temperature over the first months of the year. The occasional
winter flood or saturated ground seemed to affect the young trees
not at all.
The chief worry was, that as the trees grew, so did the grass,
and we were not able to cut it twice a year as in the rest of Bear Mead.
The grass type coarsened, and we just hoped that Nature would sort
things out when the canopy eventually closed over and cut off the light.
We were growing older, and less able to put in long days tending to the
new trees. Fortunately, the growing trees seemed to need less looking after,
and we had more time to enjoy them as they grew. We hope future generations
will enjoy them as much as we have.
More information on |
www.eyemead.com/oakwood.htm |
John and Rosie Palmer |
In October 2002 we had a real problem.
We had 300 plant pots in our back garden containing little Major Oak trees,
and badly needed some land to plant them in.
I certainly didn't want to give them away.
One evening Rosie handed me a copy of the Advertiser,
saying "See if Gorvin's house is up for sale".
I looked through 800 pictures - it wasn't there.
But I did find: "Meadow Land at Eye Mead, Corfe Mullen".
We knew Eye Mead, and went to look but didn't find a 'For Sale' notice.
On enquiry at the Land Agent (Symonds & Sampson), we found it was in
fact next to Eye Mead, (which is owned by the National Trust).
The seller was Farmer Richards, of Chilbridge Farm, North of the River Stour.
It was attractive land, with 600 yards of river frontage, and only
2 miles away from our house, but I doubted we could afford the likely
Auction price.
So I phoned my brother, "Are you interested in helping me buy some
fields?", and astonishingly - he was.
A week before the Auction, on 22 November 2002, there was a heavy flood.
Everything for sale was under water, and the access track as well,
right up to the A31.
In fact, the water when it floods is only about 40 cms deep, and
it drains away in a couple of days.
Any livestock needs moving, so it tends to be summer pasture.
Floods only occur in winter, when trees are dormant, and they can
survive weeks with their roots under water.
Mature Ash and oak trees in the hedgerows bear witness to hundreds
of floods survived in their lifetimes.
The soil is deep, rich and full of worms, grass grows early and high
and needs cutting in June and September.
Wet ground protects the grass from winter frost.
It was ideal for a plantation but not for cattle or horses.
At the Auction, at "The Crown" in Blandford, there were 100 people
and ours was Lot 1.
Amazingly, nobody bid, very embarrassing for the Auctioneer.
Presumably people wanted it for horses, and were frightened off
by the extensive flood waters.
Finally, my brother bid - and WON!
Later I decided to buy one 7 acre field from my brother, to use
as a plantation for our 300 oak saplings.
The other 4 fields we planned to use as a Private Nature Reserve,
and to grow and sell grass as balage to other farmers.
My neighbouring farmer said "That flood saved you £50,000".
It was one of the best buys I've made in my life, for the pleasure
it has given us.
More information on |
www.eyemead.com/oakwood.htm |
John and Rosie Palmer |
The Doxeys seem to originate from Middleton-by-Wirksworth, a village in mid-Derbyshire where lead has been mined since Roman times.
The men have mostly been lead miners, and the family did not move away from Middleton until the 1850's. Some of the women worked
in the world's first factory, the water-powered cotton spinning mill built by Sir Richard Arkwright in 1771 at Cromford, two miles
away. The information in this Family tree was derived from Parish registers, Bishop's transcripts and Census records held at
Derbyshire and Lichfield Record Offices, from the Mormon International Genealogical Index 1992 for Derbyshire, from information
from Sam Doxey of Utah, from entries in the Family Bible and from living memories. Dates before 1837 are usually baptisms.
Over the years, Doxey family movements have been:
| |
| |
1570? 1570?
Roger (Longford) Dorothy
DOCKSEY====20oct1594====BROOKS 1594
27jan1628 |
| | | |
William Elizabeth James |
1596? 1600? 1600? |
24aug1650 27jan1641 |
1606? 1610?
Thomas (Wirksworth) Ellen
DOXEY=======6jun1631=======HUNT 1630
| | | | | | | |
(Infant) Thomas Thomas Ann Robert | William Richard
1632? 18sep1633 3may1635 8jul1638 12aug1640 | 3may1646 31aug1651
27jul1632 d.1633 |
15oct1643 1648?
John (Wirksworth) Ann
DOXEY =====20apr1669===== NADIN 1670
|--------|---|-------| (This connection is not proven, since records for 1668-74
William Mary | are missing from Bishop's Transcripts at Lichfield.)
20jun1677 31jan1675 |
(Wkwth) (Wkwth) |
(Wkwth?) (Cromford) Mary married at 22 and had
Thomas lived his whole life in 22may1672 28dec1678 15 children in 14 years.
Middleton-by-Wirksworth, married Thomas (Wirksworth) Mary
at 29 and died at 49 DOXEY =====25jan1702==== WOODIWISS 1700
d.5jul1721 |
Ann Sarah? John? Penelope Robert Thomas Abraham | Jacob Adam Joseph Benjamin Maria Maria Aaron
14may1703 1704? 17may1706 17may1706 12may1708 10apr1709 26may1710 | 10sep1714 11feb1714 15feb1717 29jan1718 10oct1718 12mar1721 13sep1721
(Wkwth) | (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) | (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth)
| |
| (Wkwth) (Wkwth)
NOTE 2 4feb1712 14dec1709
Isaac (Wirksworth) Alice
DOXEY =====12jan1736===== HALL 1740
Thomas | Isaac Mary Alice Thomas Jacob Hannah
20jly1737 | 1jly1741 10aug1743 21aug1745 5mat1746 11mar1747 17apr1750
(Wkwth) | (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth)
| |
(Wkwth) (Bonsall) |
23may1739 19aug1744 |
William (Wirksworth) Mary NOTE 1
William was a lead miner. DOXEY =====31jan1765===== SMEDLEY 1770
Hannah Thomas Isaac William | Mary Alice Samuel Mary Sophia
2oct1765 3jun1767 23jun1769 5jly1771 | 25oct1775 19apr1778 4may1780 22jun1783 aug1784
(Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) | (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth)
| |
| (Wkwth) (Cromford)
NOTE 3 29sep1773 25sep1779
Abraham (Wirksworth) Hannah
DOXEY =====27mar1799===== LONGDON 1800
John | Samuel Elizabeth Abraham Mary James Andrew Lydia
20sep1799 | 9sep1804 14sep1806 6jan1809 26may1815 12dec1817 10sep1820 24mar1822
(Wkwth) | (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Wkwth) (Ashford) (Ashford)
| |
| |
| NOTE 4
(Wkwth) (Ashford)
13feb1802 17aug1806 E.D. was 3rd of 8 children of John Howe, Poet of Ashford-
William (Bradbourne) Eliza Dorothy in-the-Water. She worked as Tallow chandler, cook, maker
William was a lead miner, DOXEY =====14aug1833===== HOWE of umbrella tops and fustian coats, dressmaker, school- 1830
and could sign his name. d.9apr1875 | d.25jan1888 mistress, trimmer of hosiery, shopkeeper and Toll gate-
He died aged 73. (Matlock) | (Matlock) keeper. Ten letters exist written by her 1884-88,
| revealing her as intelligent and a delightful character.
|-----O------| She died suddenly at 82 after a cold.
William trained as a joiner and | Alfred
became Clerk of the Works at |
Smedley's Hydro, Matlock. He was (Wkwth)
a miner when married and also 21may1838 21mar1837
built several houses. William (Ashover) Emma Emma's father was a gardner at Cowley Hall,
He married twice and died of DOXEY =====25apr1863===== ELSE Darley. She died of a miscarriage at 37. 1860
pneumonia at 68, caught d.3dec1906 | d.20dec1874
waiting for a train. (Matlock) | (Matlock)
| |
NOTE 5 |-----O-----| Walter lived at Matlock, married Lucy Hague and had
| Walter 3 children. He worked at Smedley"s Hydro, was keen
Alfred was short, quiet and hard-working. | 28nov1867 on cycling and became addicted to planchett writing.
He came to Sheffield at 12, apprenticed |
at a power station. With Lucas he helped (Matlock) (Sheffield)
install the first phones in Sheffield. 23dec1865 31jan1877 Gertrude was very short and always dressed
He died at 68 soon after retiring. Alfred (Ecclesall) Gertrude in Victorian fashion, with a fox-skin round
DOXEY =====25dec1893===== LONGDEN her neck. She was worried about money and
d.29jan1933 | d.13jly1954 cooking made her bad tempered. She died at 77. 1890
(Ecclesall) | (Ecclesall)
William joined the Navy as |
an electrical fitter and survived |---------|-----O---|--------|---------|
the Battle of Jutland. He caught William Dorothy Ernest Lucy |
blackwater fever in the Gold Coast 16apr1894 12nov1895 28jan1898 22may1900 |
but became rich trading in shares. 15may1963 (Ecclesall) Ena worked as a needlewoman and
He died at Sheffield aged about 85. 8sep1907 store manageress when her husband
Ena died at 51. She was very interested
DOXEY in Doxey history and kept many records.
29jan1994 She lived for her two sons, and died
(to PALMER Tree) | at Poole aged 86.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1994
Note 1: Married Elizabeth Bateman, daughter Alice, descendent John F Wright lives at 35 Charlbury rd, Oxford OX2 6UX
Note 2: See the Bolehill Pedigree of 1829.
Note 3: Descenents of Thomas are Cathy Askham 1 Rivelin Glenn Cottages, Sheffield S6 5SF and Sam Doxey 727 W800S, Oram, Utah 84058 USA
Note 4: Descendents of James are: Minnie Prince 17 Henry St, Matlock and Margaret Nightingale 23 Rutland St, Matlock
Note 5: A descendent of William's second marriage is: May Walker, 1 Thornsett Rd, Sheffield, Yorks S7 1MA