A Scarecrow was erected on the Bear Mead
Sanctuary, using the author's old clothes.
How he was made.
- (3479) Six foot of scaffolding pipe
was hammered into the ground with a post rammer, to strengthen
the skeleton in gales.
- (3480) A skeleton was built using 50mm OD
plastic plumbing piping and angles with fishing float as a head
(supported by a narrower pipe). The legs supported the
skeleton. Old golfing trousers were added.
- (3481) The trousers were raised to the hips,
held there by an old belt and fastened at the ankles with
laces (so the grass stuffing doesn't exit).
- (3482) The trousers were stuffed with
grass cut that day from the adjacent field.
- (3483) Remaining old clothes were attached
and held together with numerous large nappy pins.
An old Royal Stewart tartan
climbing shirt, old gardening gloves, a face drawn on an old pillow case
with black and blue permanent marker pen (red runs), an old hat
with large swan feather, and a neckerchief cut from an old bed sheet.
- (3484) The shirt (minus arms) was stuffed
with the cut field grass through the chest, using a small handful at
a time. Fasten all the buttons afterwards.
- (3487) Hat replaced by blond wig due to high
winds, his new name will be Boris!
It remains to be seen how the scarecrow withstands high winds, rain
and the bleaching effect of bright sun.
Boris the Scarecrow