X006bWell just dug 21jul2003
is a heavily grassed and
treed spoil heap surrounding the
Well in the centre of the
Oak Plantation
at Bear Mead. It is above the level of occasional
floods from the river Stour.
The spoil heap came from digging the adjacent well.
On construction of the Well in July 2003, 20 cms of rich earth,
50 cms of red clay and 30 cms of red gravel were penetrated,
the bottom lying in white gravel.
Grass and flowers grew rapidly on the dug earth. Three willows were planted,
then 4 birch, a walnut, spindles, oak, rowan and a wayfaring tree.
Goat willow quickly encircled the water, producing a
"Sanctuary", like a "holy well".
3397 Ten years' growth 04mar2013