Updated 25 Aug 2015

Retford Grammar School

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Retford Grammar School 1954

Know someone pictured here? Contact with details.
Give Section, Row and Number of pupil. The list of names will be updated.

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Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Numbers after surnames are Admission numbers, see Admission List

Row 7
(top and back)
36 --- | 37 --- | 38 George ROTHWELL | 39 JACKSON | 40 John HENSHAW | 41 Tom SPEDDING | 42 Chris KING | 43 --- | 44 --- | 45 --- | 46 --- | 47 David NEWCOMBE decd | 48 SCOTT | 49 J.D.BEARDSMORE |
Row 6
37 Neville CHAMPION | 38 Terence RANDALL | 39 --- | 40 --- | 41 --- | 42 --- | 43 James Campbell WHITE-2922 | 44 Peter Willis WILLIAMSON-2924 | 45 Vernon E PORTER | 46 Terry DICKENSON | 47 William GALLAGHER-2883 | 48 Michael COOKE-2880 | 49 Thomas Arthur BESFORD-2870 | 50 Gordon SKELTON-2913 |
Row 5
38 Ron ELSHAM | 39 Peter 'Tub' EVANS | 40 Robert BURLINGTON | 41 Roger WRIGHT | 42 Philip MORTON | 43 BLAGG | 44 --- | 45 John LEE | 46 JONES | 47 --- | 48 Michael POWER | 49 John HEMPSHALL | 50 CUNNINGTON | 51 Roland HILL | 52 Mick WILLCOCKS |
Row 4
35 Keith SAXBY | 36 John MASSEY | 37 Fred SELF | 38 ? PICK | 39 Malcom CHISLETT | 40 --- | 41 --- | 42 --- | 43 --- | 44 Alan TONGE | 45 --- | 46 --- | 47 --- |
Row 3
34 'Boris' Bernard McNEIL-WATSON (Latin) | 35 Graham GOODER (Music) | 36 Keith.F.MILLER (Chemistry) | 37 M. Henri Jaubert (French) | 38 Keith FINLAY | 39 --- | 40 --- | 41 Ken BICKERSTAFF | 42 --- | 43 John BEACOCK | 44 Geoff WATERHOUSE | 45 John Millican |
Row 2
21 James John KIRKBY | 22 Alec WILSON | 23 GATES? | 24 --- | 25 --- | 26 --- | 27 Phil GRAY | 28 --- | 29 Ronald HOLDSWORTH | 30 Raymond STRAW | 31 --- | 32 Neil THORN(E) | 33 Sam BLOWER | 34 ALLEN | 35 Ian G CROSSLAND-2960 |
Row 1
Front and bottom
32 George COLLINS | 33 David CASSELDINE | 34 Michael HANDBIDGE | 35 Len BALL | 36 Tony GAMBLE | 37 GLEDHILL? | 38 Peter LEDGER | 39 Peter BURTON | 40 Tony PARRISH | 41 John FOSTER |

High resolution images of this picture are available on CD, at £2 if you are in the picture, £10 if not. Contact John Palmer for details.
Scanned, formatted, and encoded with permission by .