Richard Allsopp sends this photo of the timetable he drew in 1954
for his Form 3b.
The schoolrooms with red numbers would be New Block rooms.
Ph is the Physics Lab, G is the Gymnasium, A the Annex,
C the Chemistry Lab and W is the Workshop.
Swimming would be up Albert Road at the Public Baths.
Games were in the Gymn if wet, or at the Grove Playing Fields if suitable.
The lower part shows when Preparatory work was to be collected.
Subjects, Periods and (Preps) per week.
- Maths 5 (3)
- English, French, Latin 4 (2)
- Physics, Chemistry, Geography 3 (1)
- History, Scripture, Art 2 (1)
- Games 2
- PT/Swimming 1.
This was a typical 'O' Level timetable of the period,
before specialization after 5 years. A period was 50 minutes duration,
terminated by a bell. Preps were at pupils discretion. These can be compared
with John Palmer's timetables (see section 23).