1877 Gramophone invented
1878 First floodlit football match
1879 Rorke's Drift in Zulu Wars
1880 Streetlights first used
1881 Gunfight at OK Corral in Tombstone
1882 Boer War starts
1883 Krakatoa erupts 36,000 dead
1884 "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
1885 Roller coaster and bicycle patented
1886 Petrol car and coca-cola introduced
1887 Gramophone patented
1888 "Jack the Ripper" murders 5
1889 Eiffel Tower opens in Paris
1890 Electric chair first used
1891 Swiss Army knife invented
1892 Diesel invents new engine
1893 First car number plates
1894 Movie film invented
1895 Oscar Wilde arrested
1896 First X-ray photo taken
1897 Klondike gold rush
1898 Joshua Slocum sails round the world